Part I: Your Girl Just Did That!
Seven years, six national mags, five tradeshows, four houses, three meltdowns, two websites, one little girl, one big dream. <3
Way back when- this – Jewelry – was just a hobby. It was fun. Relaxing. Therapeutic, even. It gave me a creative outlet. I remember spending a summer in New York City and interning in the industry and feeling at home. Alive. Inspired. Exhilarated. I met people that were pursuing their dreams and looking for more. They weren’t there to settle. New York is a place that just lets you live. I was free. I could take on the world. I never wanted to come back. But, I did. I wasn’t ready. I’ve always played it safe. It’s both a blessing and a curse, but I always believe everything happens for a reason.
And so back in Baltimore, I worked all day and hustled all night. The fire started burning. And I started building. One little bead at a time. Some days were beyond amazing. When you’re just starting out the smallest win can feel like your greatest achievement and give you a high that you’ll keep on chasing into forever. But it’s not all glitters and gold. It’s not all glam events and Beyonce. Some days ended in failure. Tears, stress, no sleep, and yet I’d just keep swimming. I made a promise to myself, way back when, while making jewelry on my bedroom floor, to just never give up. I built this business with my own two hands. This is my baby. Fast forward seven years, six national mags, five tradeshows, four houses, three meltdowns, two websites, one little girl and one big dream. And Here I am.
I am beyond happy to say that ‘Miss play-it-safe’ just QUIT HER DAY JOB! AHHHHHH!! Holy Glam! That’s right. I did it! I thought on it. Prayed on it. Talked to Saad about it for countless hours and it’s time. I am disciplined. I work my tail off. And I am beyond excited to pour my heart and soul, full-time, into this business. It’s a change, a huge adjustment, it’s invoked boat loads of anxiety, but I’m ready. I’ve prepared for this. But I could not do this without YOU. Without Baltimore. Without this community of powerful girl boss babes that hustle their asses off and never settle. Thank you for inspiring me, supporting me, helping me, sharing and caring, showing up, styling my jewels, and cheering me on. We still have a long way to go, a lot of work, a lot of learning, but this is the beautiful beginning of the next chapter of this journey and I hope you’ll keep following along. From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know. And I now have the time – so let’s do lunch, dinner, drinks, travel, you name it! Let’s do it! Baltimore and beyond!
To celebrate, we’re having a GIRL BOSS sale, so now through Sunday, head over to RachelMulherin.com and take 20% off your entire purchase with code: girlboss. Have the best week ever!!
Rachel Xx
PS- Yes, it says Part I. Stay tuned for Part II next month
PPS- For real though, let’s hang out!